Welcome Tea Lovers!
Robin Boykin - Owner and TEO (Tea Executive Officer)
Hello and welcome to my tea store. I love to share my tea journey in hopes that it may encourage others to follow the path of natural healing.
I was 'converted' to practicing Eastern influenced natural remedies by accident. Although I have always been an avid tea drinker, I sipped for pleasure, unaware of the many healing qualities that tea possessed.
How it all began - A mystery illness
My passion for collecting wellness teas began about 14 years ago when my health suddenly began to fail for no apparent reason. Prior to this event I had always been blessed with good health. Needless to say this was an extremely traumatic experience for me. In search of answers, I spent several weeks and lots of money going from one specialist to another.
Sadly none of the doctors could figure out the root cause of my illness, thus they could not provide me with an accurate diagnosis or effective treatment.
I was tested for all types of autoimmune disorders to no avail. It was a real head-scratcher!
Enter Alternative Healing
Finally out of sheer desperation I decided take my brother's advice and visit a Chinese Herbalist who had been practicing Traditional Chinese Medicine for many decades.
Dr. Dang had previously healed my brother from Guillain Barre syndrome despite the negative prognosis from his physician. I was desperate to feel like a normal person again and so I was willing to try the non-traditional route.
This amazing healer was able to pinpoint my disease within moments by simply holding my wrists and feeling the blood flow through my veins (checking my meridians).
The Road to Recovery
Shortly after testing my meridians, Dr. Dang created a special tea made of herbs which I was ordered to drink for two weeks, along with some diet recommendations.
By the end of week two, not only was I healed of this mysterious ailment, but I had also shed 15 pounds! When I witnessed first-hand the miracle of healing from this medicinal tea made up of plants and herbs, I was sold on the wonders of self-healing through natural remedies.

A New Perspective
My whole perspective on Western medicine had shifted. From that point on I knew that I would spend my time, resources and energy finding natural methods to help people address common ailments such as high-cholesterol, heart disease, depression, anxiety, obesity, hormonal imbalance, diabetes and many other sicknesses that plague our community every day.
My Mission
I decided that my life's mission would involve helping others find natural ways to achieve optimum well-being by sharing my knowledge of natural remedies through teas, herbals, essential oils, supplements and other methods.
It is my belief that our contributions should leave this planet a little better off than how we entered it.
It is important to make sure UENDURE has a purpose beyond supporting your well-being by providing healthy choices in the teas you consume. We also wanted to contribute to the well-being of our community's non-profit organizations so they could continue to fulfil their mission.
Showing love for the community has always been part of my being, and my story would not be complete without sharing how important community is to me.
Two of my favorite community organizations are Best Buddies and L.I.F.E. Houston/Food for Hungry Babies.
I have been involved with L.I.F.E. Houston since 1994 as a board member and volunteer. It is a fact that the manner in which a baby is nurtured early in life will reflect their success (or lack thereof) later on.
I have a wonderful and loving niece who was born with IDD (Downs Syndrome) and she's the light of our family's life. We attribute much of her success to the support and participation as a Best Buddies Ambassador. Therefore, my support for Best Buddies was an easy decision.
These two organizations are a very dear part of my communi-Tea.
Amazing organizations such as these are the life-blood of community, and many families rely on them every day. The monthly donations made by UENDURE are my personal commitment of support to help keep their doors open.
Creating and sharing healthy tea recipes, spreading positive energy, researching and sharing natural remedies for whatever ails you, is a labor of love for me.
My Products

All of my organic teas are functional, which means they possess many nutritional benefits to enhance your well-being and address a multitude of health-related issues.
The BPA-free tea tumblers and infuser kits go wherever you go:) They are eco-friendly and fun to use.
Many of my customers tell me they are a great conversation piece!
It is my true pleasure to bring you a unique, healthy and responsible way to enjoy your teas through my eco-friendly products. My long-term vision is to make UENDURE wellness teas and sustainable products available around the globe.
Through Robin's leadership, UENDURE Tea Company has become a multi award-winning tea brand. UENDURE has been featured in television and print media outlets such as KPRC Channel 2 Houston Life, KHOU Channel 11 Great Day Houston with Deborah Duncan, International Focus Magazine, Voyage Houston magazine, Canvas Rebel magazine and more. You can find her published articles in CaliDiet magazine: https://calidiet.com/author/robinboykin/
Robin has been awarded two US Congressional Awards of Recognition for her Community Service contributions and for Excellence in International Business. She has also received the Houston International Trade Development Council award for Outstanding International Business. She has worked with local celebrities including a world-renown musician and environmental artist, to create their own branded tea blends.
Robin co-hosts a weekly wellness podcast called 'How You Livin' which can be found on all podcast platforms, including YouTube. She loves to engage with her audience and has spoken at numerous tea events touting the amazing healing properties of premium tea.
Robin is often asked to participate in community events, mindful markets, tea tastings, book signings and has been invited to share her tea health journey with the guests of 'Tea with Judge V' at the historic King David Hotel in Houston.
Robin's various tea projects are diverse and exciting. Here is a look at some of her favorite projects:
The famed Tea Wall at The Cochran Oriental Vacation Home:
Envioronmental Art Collaboration with Artist Charles Washington
Got Questions?
If you would like more information on the healthy benefits of tea, please contact Robin at: support@uendure.com
Cheers to your health!