Childhood Cancer

It's Time To End Childhood Cancer

5% Of Your Purchase Will Go To Help The Fight Against Childhood Cancer


  • Childhood cancer research is vastly and consistently underfunded.
  • It is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the U.S.
  • One in 285 children in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer by the time they are 20 years old.
  • Every year, an estimated 250,000+ new cases of cancer affect children under the age of 20 worldwide.
  • Two-thirds of childhood cancer patients will have long lasting chronic conditions from treatment.
  • In the United States, the incidence of cancer among adolescents and young adults is increasing at a greater rate than any other age group, except those over 65 years.


Who We Donate To

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Rett's Roost is a sanctuary for families with a child afflicted by cancer, offering a community of loving kindness and supportive activities in a peaceful, natural setting to ease their experience with the disease. To learn more visit:

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