Recent Articles — green tea diabetes

Robin Boykin
diabetes needle with strawberry and pineapple slices stop diabetes message

Living With Diabetes? Make These 10 Changes Today

Discover the 10 scientifically proven lifestyle changes for effective diabetes management. What is Diabetes and how does it affect the body? Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. It affects about 37 million Americans, including adults and youth. Diabetes can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and heart. It is also linked to some types of cancer. Living with diabetes requires a proactive approach to health, and lifestyle changes play a pivotal role in managing this condition effectively. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can contribute significantly to blood sugar control, weight management, and...

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Contour brand diabetes insulin meter next to a bowl of sugar

Green Tea and Diabetes

The potential health benefits of matcha and green tea already have been established. Drinking green tea regularly can reduce the chance of developing Diabetes.

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