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Mark Gilmore
Pouring ceremonial Matcha green tea

The Ideal Time for Tea Time

In the eyes of many, tea time hails from the historic British tradition of sipping a bit of tea in fine china in the middle of the day. It evokes feelings of refined taste combined with pleasant company. And yet, ancient Asian cultures had been relishing tea for thousands of years prior, after which it was finally introduced to Europe no earlier than the 17th century. History aside, people all around the world today delight in tea not just for its delicious taste, but for its numerous health benefits as well. So, then, when is the best time to drink...

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Healthy breakfast

Healthy Breakfast Treats to Enjoy With Morning Tea

Here are a few ideas to help make your breakfast time a little more exciting and enjoyable with your morning tea.

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Robin Boykin
man walking outside with small child

Green Tea Reduces Cholesterol

A 2005 double-blind study concluded that green tea has a positive impact on both body fat and unhealthy LDL cholesterol. Definitive studies like these have led reputable organizations such as the AARP to agree.

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Mark Gilmore
History and Health Benefits of Japanese Matcha Green Tea - UENDURE TEA CO.

History and Health Benefits of Japanese Matcha Green Tea

History and Health Benefits of Japanese Matcha Green Tea Green tea is considered the healthiest form of tea due to the lack of processing, which results in very high nutrient levels. Matcha green tea was originally produced and consumed in Japan. Because the entire leaf is ground and consumed in powder form, it is the most potent green tea in the world. What does Matcha Mean? In Japanese “cha” means tea, and “ma” means powder, thus the word matcha translates quite literally as “powdered green tea.” Since the tea leaf is native to China, it is believed that the first...

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